I enjoyed reading this on your website. It's very aesthetic.

I looked around a bit and am pretty excited by it, you talk about topics I've been really curious about; things like memetics and philosophical progress at the society-level.

I always thought philosophy was wack, but maybe I was just allergic to *bad* philosophy. (not that you're the only example of good philosophy, but it's rare)

(I didn't read much, partly because I'm saving it for when I'll incorporate them into my notes, as you argue for here https://site.cognition.cafe/article/taking-notes :) )

Thanks man this is really cool.

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(about the post: I thought I had no ideology, but I wonder what it is if I have one or if I should get one for better harmony with people around me)

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As you point out, ideologies are inevitable. The best we can hope for is to recognize them as the tools they are, keep them at arms length and not become too self-identified with any of them.


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